Feb 7, 2022

A Note From Ali

Tap tap — is this thing on?

Hi, hello! I’m so sorry that I unexpectedly went MIA here these past few months. I had initially just planned to take the last few weeks of December off from posting while we were traveling back to the States to visit our family. But then one thing after another came up after we made it home — childcare starts and stops, relentless winter colds, website redesign deadlines — and anyway, I feel like I blinked and it’s somehow already February!

I’m happy to say that tomorrow we will officially be getting back into the rhythm of sharing new recipes here again. (So many good ones ready for you this month!) But today, I wanted to pop in first to share a few personal updates here regarding the new year ahead. (more…)

source https://www.gimmesomeoven.com/life/a-note-from-ali/


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