Nov 13, 2023

Pumpkin Cornbread

Surprise favorite recipe of the month. I can’t tell you how much we love this pumpkin cornbread!! ♡

Turns out that the sweet and earthy flavor of pumpkin purée complements the classic flavor and texture of cornbread absolutely beautifully. And when made with a rich and nutty browned butter batter, lightly sweetened with honey, and baked up until perfect light and fluffy, this pumpkin cornbread recipe will likely steal the show at your next dinner. We can’t stop making it here in our kitchen!

You’re welcome to customize yours with any additional mix-ins that you might love, such as nuts, dried fruit, or a handful of cheese. I’ve included notes for how to easily make this recipe gluten-free, if you prefer. And while the cornbread is delicious on its own, I’m going to highly recommend that you make a quick batch of honey butter to serve with it. Because melted into a slice hot out of the oven? Oh my goodness, there’s nothing better.

Let’s make some pumpkin cornbread!



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