Nov 2, 2023

Creamy Vegetable Soup

This creamy vegetable soup recipe is made with your choice of roasted veggies and puréed until perfectly creamy and delicious. Naturally gluten-free, vegan and so cozy!

Our family’s new favorite way to eat our veggies! ♡♡♡

This creamy vegetable soup is so simple that I hesitated to even post it here. (Definitely feels like it’s more of a method than a “recipe.”) But after sharing about it on Instagram a few weeks ago, dozens of you messaged asking about it, so here we are!

I have to be honest — this soup entirely came about as a way to try and get some extra veggies and protein into our toddler, who is currently on strike against the roasted veggies he used to adore. But purée them into a creamy soup with fire-roasted tomatoes, creamy coconut milk (or cream), a can of white beans (for extra protein), zesty seasonings, and serve with crusty bread for dipping?! Let’s just say this one ended up being a winner for all of us around the table, picky toddler included. A delicious success!

We’ve made this soup a handful of times now over the past few weeks and love serving it with our favorite sourdough or seed crackers for dipping, along with a simple green salad and some seasonal fruit on the side. The veggies, beans and seasonings here are also completely customizable, so it’s the perfect occasion to clean out the veggie drawer and make this recipe your own. It’s seriously such a cozy, flavorful, feel-good soup. So round up a pile of veggies and let’s make dinner together!



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