Jul 20, 2023

Watermelon Salad with Whipped Feta


Fresh watermelon and cucumber are tossed with lemon and mint and served over a bed of silky whipped feta.

For all of you fellow watermelon feta salad lovers out there…consider this twist on the classic with whipped feta! ♡

I should probably back up by saying that we make some version of a watermelon feta salad here in our family at least once a week in the summertime. It’s my husband’s favorite summer salad, and while we were living in Barcelona, he would eagerly volunteer to haul a heavy watermelon the kilometer’s walk home to our flat, chop it up to toss with mint and feta, and then usually polish off half of the bowl before dinner, lol. Needless to say, we’re big fans of watermelon salads here during the summertime, and that classic pairing with feta, mint and cucumbers (I love the extra crunch) is always such a winner.

In an effort to mix things up the past few years, I occasionally started tossing the feta in the food processor with some Greek yogurt to create a bed of silky, creamy, whipped cheese as the base for the salad. And it has turned out to be such a fun way to mix things up, especially for entertaining! Enjoy the salad with a fork or serve it with toothpicks for dipping — whatever you’d like. And if you’d like to add in some arugula, avocado, pistachios or a drizzle of balsamic glaze, the sky’s the limit with fun customizations here.

However you make this watermelon feta salad, it’s one of those refreshing recipes that never fails to hit the spot. So the next time you see some ripe watermelon, whip up that feta and give it a try!



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