Nov 8, 2021

Green Bean Bundles with Honey Garlic Butter

These green bean bundles are tossed with rosemary honey garlic butter, wrapped in prosciutto, roasted until crispy, and sprinkled with freshly-grated Parmesan. Super easy to prep in advance and only 10 minutes needed to bake!

Green Bean Bundles with Prosciutto

Hands-down the most fun way I know to serve green beans! ♡

These prosciutto-wrapped green bean bundles are sure to be a showstopper at any holiday gathering this season. But actually, the great news for all of us is that they’re so simple to make that you could just as easily whip up a batch for dinner this week too!

Simply blanch and toss some fresh green beans with a quick rosemary honey garlic butter, roll them into little bundles with prosciutto (or bacon), roast them in a hot oven until crispy, and serve warm with a generous sprinkle of freshly grated Parmesan. They’re savory and salty with a perfect little hint of sweetness from the honey. They’re already pre-portioned for easy grabbing, which is always especially nice when serving a big crowd around the holidays. They’re easy to prep up to 1 day in advance and also only require 10 minutes in the oven, also nice around the holidays. And best of all, they are just SO flavorful and delish!

Feel free, of course, to play around with the seasonings here. Or you’re also welcome to add any extra drizzles (hello, balsamic) or sprinkles (maybe toasted pine nuts) on top that sound good. However you make these bundles, just have fun with them and enjoy!




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