Jun 3, 2024

Honey Salmon with Ginger Scallion Sauce


Honey-roasted salmon is topped with a sizzling ginger scallion sauce and served over rice with a squeeze of lime. So fresh and flavorful and ready to go in 30 minutes!

Say hello to our latest favorite 30-minute meal!

I’ve been on a major ginger scallion sauce kick these past few months, sizzling up a quick batch of the Cantonese-inspired, 5-ingredient sauce to drizzle on everything from veggies to steak, salads, noodles, and more. But one of my favorite pairings has been this simple honey-roasted salmon and green beans situation, roasted up on a single sheet pan, served over rice, drizzled with the ginger scallion sauce and finished with a generous squeeze of fresh lime. The blend of sweet, salty, umami, tangy flavors here is just perfect. And it all comes together easily in just 30 minutes…always a win!

We’re quite partial to the pairing of salmon and green beans here in our home, but you could easily swap in a different protein or veggie here if you prefer. We’ve also made this one successfully on the grill, if you don’t feel like heating up the oven this time of year. And while the dish is lovely served over rice (I take a shortcut by heating up frozen brown rice from Trader Joe’s), you could just as easily serve it over noodles or another grain, or just enjoy the fish and veggies on their own.

Enjoy, enjoy!



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