Jun 25, 2024



Hello! I’ve got a sleeping baby sitting beside me and an iced lavender latte in hand and thought I’d take advantage of nap time this morning to pop in with a long overdue life update. ♡

I realized the other day that it’s been over a year since I last typed out one of these posts while sitting in our sunny kitchen in Barcelona. Which, to be honest, feels like a lifetime ago. (And also somehow like…yesterday?) It’s hard to know where to even begin to summarize how life has changed since then. We’re now back across the ocean living in Kansas City, which is slowly beginning to feel like home again ever since our whirlwind move back with a toddler, elderly dog, eight suitcases, and a newly-positive pregnancy test last June. Since then, we have…

  • moved into a 90-yr-old Tudor, which we (probably over-ambitiously) decided to renovate before our second baby’s arrival, while working to stock the place 100% from scratch with everything from beds to bicycles to blenders and beyond
  • walked through our second pregnancy and gave birth in the States, which went mercifully smoothly this time around (and was also a very interesting contrast to how things are done in Spain)
  • welcomed a wonderful 24-yr-old Costa Rican au pair to our family, who’s going to be living with us and helping with the boys over the coming year
  • checked off what felt like a million “getting settled” logistics, including purchasing two cars (a super sad farewell to European walking culture), re-establishing our businesses in Missouri, and diving back into the wonderful world of American healthcare, insurances, taxes, etc
  • navigated an intense year of “sandwich generation” learning curves, doing our best to try and care for aging parents and little kids at the same time

And then of course, we brought this little sunbeam home. ♡♡♡

We joked on the day Milo was born that he seemed just “just happy to be here”, and four months later, that still pretty much sums things up! He has turned out to be such an easygoing little baby who’s just happy to eat, happy to sleep (major change from our first baby!), happy to smile and coo and snuggle with anyone…and we truly could not love him more. It’s remarkable how much joy he has added to our little household. And after a fairly disorienting year, his arrival has felt like the missing puzzle piece that’s finally helped Kansas City begin to feel like home again. Of course, the newborn stage has been intense and exhausting in all of its usual ways, but getting to step away from work for a few months to soak up sunny spring walks with Milo and nuzzle his soft skin and and be there for all of his adorable little “firsts” has felt beyond special. It’s never lost on Barclay and me what a privilege this is to get to do this all one more time, especially after the long road to meet him, and we’re just so grateful that he’s finally here.

All that to say, goodness, it has been a year. Definitely one of the more challenging ones on record for our little family, but still with plenty of glimmers of love and joy and fun sprinkled in there all along the way, as life always seems to provide. We’re feeling very grateful to (at least mostly) now be on the other side of the international moving chaos. And while I’ve enjoyed time away from Gimme Some Oven during these past few months of maternity leave, I’m glad to be getting back into some work rhythms again. More updates on all of that below.

Anyway, clearly, lots to share! So without further ado, here’s the update from our little corner of KC… (more…)

Jun 10, 2024



This delicious panzanella salad is easy to make and bursting with fresh summer flavors.

Summer tomato season calls for allllll the panzanella salads! ♡

This classic Tuscan bread and tomato salad is one of my absolute favorite summertime meals, transforming a handful of humble ingredients into something so special and satisfying. It’s easy to make with homemade garlic croutons (yes, a quick homemade batch is essential to achieve the proper crispy/chewy texture for panzanella), which are then tossed with juicy cherry tomatoes, crisp bell peppers and cucumbers, tangy red onion, loads of fresh basil, and your choice of creamy feta or mozzarella. Then everything gets tossed with a red wine vinaigrette and left to rest for 30 minutes so that the croutons can soak up all of those gorgeous fresh flavors. It seriously tastes like the best of summertime in every bite and those vibrant colors are always such a showstopper. The perfect dish for the season!

That said, one of the best things about panzanella is that it’s endlessly versatile. So feel free to customize your own salad by swapping in whatever type of leftover bread, veggies (or fruit!), cheese, or vinaigrette that you happen to have on hand. However you make it, panzanella deserves a spot on every summer meal rotation. So grab a few pints of fresh tomatoes and let’s make a batch together!


Jun 6, 2024



This classic Italian-inspired affogato recipe is easy to make in just a few minutes with ice cream, espresso and your choice of toppings.

Quite possibly one of the easiest and best desserts out there — affogato! ♡

This Italian classic has long been one of my go-tos for easy entertaining, especially on warm summer nights when you’re craving a cold sweet treat! Simply add a scoop of your favorite ice cream or gelato to a small bowl or glass, top it with hot espresso, add a shot of liqueur or a sprinkle of toppings if you’d like (both optional), and this delightful and sophisticated dessert will be ready in no time.

If you’re like me and are sensitive to caffeine late in the day, no prob, just use your favorite decaf espresso or strongly-brewed coffee! And while vanilla ice cream is the traditional option here, the sky’s the limit when it comes to the fun flavors of ice creams and toppings that you can pair together here, so don’t hesitate to raid the freezer and use whatever pint sounds good. This fun dessert is always a winner!


Jun 3, 2024

Honey Salmon with Ginger Scallion Sauce


Honey-roasted salmon is topped with a sizzling ginger scallion sauce and served over rice with a squeeze of lime. So fresh and flavorful and ready to go in 30 minutes!

Say hello to our latest favorite 30-minute meal!

I’ve been on a major ginger scallion sauce kick these past few months, sizzling up a quick batch of the Cantonese-inspired, 5-ingredient sauce to drizzle on everything from veggies to steak, salads, noodles, and more. But one of my favorite pairings has been this simple honey-roasted salmon and green beans situation, roasted up on a single sheet pan, served over rice, drizzled with the ginger scallion sauce and finished with a generous squeeze of fresh lime. The blend of sweet, salty, umami, tangy flavors here is just perfect. And it all comes together easily in just 30 minutes…always a win!

We’re quite partial to the pairing of salmon and green beans here in our home, but you could easily swap in a different protein or veggie here if you prefer. We’ve also made this one successfully on the grill, if you don’t feel like heating up the oven this time of year. And while the dish is lovely served over rice (I take a shortcut by heating up frozen brown rice from Trader Joe’s), you could just as easily serve it over noodles or another grain, or just enjoy the fish and veggies on their own.

Enjoy, enjoy!


May 21, 2024

Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad


This Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad recipe is tossed with my favorite Caesar dressing, lots of Parm, and the yummiest garlicky breadcrumbs. 

Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad recipe

A good Caesar salad will forever and always be one of my favorite foods. But I’m also just as happy this time of year to whip up a delicious batch of its carb-y cousin, a chicken Caesar pasta salad. ♡

It’s basically everything we all love about a good chicken Caesar — perfectly-seasoned chicken, crisp Romaine leaves, a bold and tangy Caesar dressing and a generous shower of freshly-grated Parmesan — tossed with chilled and chewy al dente pasta. Then in lieu of traditional croutons, I like to whip up a quick batch of crunchy, salty, garlicky breadcrumbs to sprinkle on top. It’s a classic pasta salad recipe that’s always so satisfying and comes together easily too!

Of course, if chicken isn’t your thing, feel free to sub any other protein in here that you prefer (shrimp, salmon, bacon, Italian sausage, or even roasted chickpeas would be great options). And if you happen to have any roasted veggies on hand, they would always be welcome here too. I do just have to say that I’m partial to my favorite homemade Caesar dressing, but totally get it if you’d like to save some time and use a bottle of store-bought (in which case, Ken’s or Marzetti are two brands I always recommend).

However you make it, I promise that this classic Caesar pasta salad recipe is always a winner!


May 17, 2024

Pimm’s Cup


This classic Pimm’s Cup recipe is layered with fresh fruit and cucumber and always tastes so refreshing!

Warm weather cocktail season has arrived and I vote we celebrate with a gorgeous fruit-filled Pimm’s Cup! ♡

If you don’t already have a bottle of Pimm’s No. 1 in your bar cart, I highly recommend picking up a bottle of this fruity, botanical, gin-based liqueur to make some refreshing cocktails this summer. It’s the starring ingredient in a Pimm’s Cup, a fruit-filled sparkling cocktail that’s famously the signature drink of Wimbledon, traditionally mixed with either lemon soda or ginger ale and then layered into a highball glass with a rainbow of fresh fruit and cucumber slices and herbs. It’s a showstopper of a drink that’s delicious, refreshing, not-too-strong, and incredibly easy to make. And if you happen to be serving a group, it’s easy to batch into a pitcher as well.

I’m partial to making Pimm’s Cups with a mix of freshly-squeezed lemon juice and a bold ginger ale (or ginger beer), in order to amp up the fresh lemon-ginger flavors in this drink, but you’re welcome to go the lemon soda route if ginger flavor isn’t your thing. And while this certainly isn’t traditional, I highly recommend enjoy muddling in a few slices of jalapeño if you enjoy an extra kick. Delicious!

However you choose to make your Pimm’s Cup, it’s certain to be a lovely and refreshing drink for summertime. So grab a bottle of Pimm’s and some colorful fruit and let’s make a cocktail together!


May 15, 2024

Crispy Zucchini Black Bean Tacos


These crispy zucchini black bean tacos are quick and easy to make with an irresistible avocado dipping sauce.

Crispy black bean tacos are always a winner…but let’s sneak some extra veg in there too! ♡

This simple recipe has become a favorite vegetarian dinner here in our house, especially on busy weeknights. Just sauté up a quick and zesty taco filling with zucchini, black beans and seasonings. Fold the tortillas up with the filling and cheese and cook in the same pan until perfectly crispy and melty. Blend up a refreshing avocado salsa verde for dipping. And then dive on in.

These crispy tacos are nothing fancy, but they are super flavorful and crunchy and hit the spot every time. And I love that they’re a low-cost, protein-packed, gluten-free, meatless option that comes together easily in less than 45 minutes (or less if you’re moving quickly!). So the next time you’re craving tacos, grab some black beans and zucchini and let’s make some vegetarian tacos together!


May 6, 2024

Spring Farro Salad


This 30-minute spring farro salad is made with a delicious mix of seasonal veggies and herbs, farro, chickpeas and a quick lemon vinaigrette.

Cheers to spring salads! ♡

After making this winter farro salad countless times over the past year, I decided we needed to try a springtime version with fresh seasonal veggies and herbs. And thus, this zippy spring farro salad recipe was born.

It’s loaded up with chewy farro and chickpeas, a crisp mix of cucumber, radishes and shallots, a sprinkling of tangy crumbled feta, loads of fresh herbs (I opted for mint and dill), and my favorite lemony everyday vinaigrette that pulls everything together. Each bite tastes wonderfully light and springy, especially thanks to all of those fresh herbs. And this salad holds up beautifully in the fridge if you’d like to prep the salad in advance for easy lunches or sunny picnics or springtime nights by the grill.

As you can imagine, it’s also an easy recipe to customize with whatever seasonal veggies, herbs or cheeses you would prefer to toss in. And if you need a gluten-free option, no prob, just swap in some quinoa for the farro. Let’s make some salad!


Apr 29, 2024

Lemon Basil Butter Pasta


All you need are 6 simple ingredients to make a vibrant batch of this lemon basil butter pasta in less than 30 minutes.

Lemon Basil Butter Pasta

Fresh basil is back in season and I vote we celebrate with this lemon basil butter pasta! ♡

Our family fell in love with Ali Slagle’s viral basil-butter pasta last fall, which is a deliciously basil-forward, nut-free, and buttery alternative to traditional basil pesto pasta. She had the brilliant idea to blitz blanched basil with butter in a food processor (which you should definitely double to have leftovers for later!), which is then melted into a batch of hot pasta for a quick and easy 3-ingredient meal. The creamy, salty, melted butter serves as the perfect saucy vehicle for the fragrant peppery flavor of fresh basil, and perfectly coats each strand of pasta. And while it’s easy to make the basil butter in the amount of time it takes to cook the pasta, you can also prep the basil butter in advance if you’d like to make dinnertime an absolute breeze. Such a win!

That said, while Ali’s version keeps things simple with just basil, butter and pasta, we’ve come to love adding in a generous dose of lemon, black pepper and Parmesan to this pasta as well (a la this recipe), which adds a balance of bright, spicy, umami flavors to the basil butter that really makes this dish sing. And for any of you who want to go the extra mile and make a batch of brown butter to use here (totally optional, but WOW), I can vouch that the extra toasty, nutty flavor notes absolutely take this simple dish over the top.

Bottom line, I’m now convinced that this melting-basil-butter-into-hot-pasta method here is one that any herb-lover should add to their repertoire. So grab a big bunch of basil and let’s make some pasta!

Lemon basil butter pasta ingredients (more…)

Apr 25, 2024

Ginger Coconut Potsticker Soup


This delicious ginger coconut potsticker soup recipe is quick and easy to make with your choice of frozen potstickers and veggies.

Ginger Coconut Potsticker Soup

It’s a cold and rainy week here in Kansas City, which always means one thing in my book — soup time! ♡

This recipe is a simple twist on my favorite potsticker soup that our whole family loves, but made this time with the yummiest creamy ginger-lemongrass coconut broth simmered with loads of mushrooms and spinach, and finished off with a zing of fresh lime juice. It’s a vibrant and flavorful soup that’s filling without feeling too heavy. And thanks to a few shortcuts, it can easily come together quickly on a rainy weeknight like this one. Win-win!

Feel free to use your favorite vegetarian or meat-filled potstickers (we love the vegetable gyoza from Trader Joe’s). And if you’d like to also make the soup completely gluten-free, just be sure to purchase a brand of potstickers that’s certified gf (I love these).

This recipe instantly became a favorite here with our family, so I feel certain you’re going to enjoy it too!

Ginger coconut potsticker soup ingredients (more…)

Apr 19, 2024

Marry Me Chickpeas and Orzo


“Marry me chicken” recipes have been flooding the internet over the past few years, and with good reason — a pan full of creamy, sun-dried tomato and basil chicken can’t help but be a winner! Here in our house, though, I wanted to make a version that my vegetarian husband and pasta-loving toddler could enjoy too. Thus, this orzo and chickpeas version was born. ♡

It’s basically just a “marry me” take on our family’s favorite lemony spiced orzo and chickpeas recipe. But this time, of course, made with tangy sun-dried tomatoes, a garlicky creamy broth, loads of fresh basil and a generous shower of Parmesan, all simmered together with perfectly chewy al dente pasta and protein-packed chickpeas. It’s a one-pot, 30-minute dinner that the whole family adores. And I’m pretty sure even all of the omnivores out there won’t miss the chicken.

That said, meals like this one are inherently customizable. So if you feel like adding in an additional protein (such as Italian sausage, shrimp, salmon or chicken), it would be quite easy to do. Or there are all sorts of other veggies and add-ins that could be delicious mixed in too. However you approach this one, the basic formula is famously so good that it will want to make everyone want to marry the cook. ;) So let’s get to it!


Apr 16, 2024

Lavender Latte (Hot or Iced)


Learn how to make a lavender latte (hot or iced) with this simple recipe that’s easy to customize to your liking.

Lavender Latte

After moving back to KC last summer, one of my good friends introduced me to her favorite drink at our neighborhood coffee shop — an iced lavender latte — and it was love at first sip. ♡

I’ve long been a fan of pairing lavender with earl grey tea to make a London fog latte. But this was the first time I had ever tasted lavender paired with espresso. And when out for a morning stroll around the neighborhood with our iced lattes on a hot summer’s day, that extra hint of delicate floral flavor in my coffee was just delightful. Loved it!

The cost of those extra pumps of syrup at the coffee shop have a way of adding up quickly, though. So last summer, I got into the routine of making small batches of homemade lavender syrup so that we could make our own lavender lattes here at home. And now nearly a year later, a hot or iced lavender latte continues to be one of my favorite ways to begin the day. They’re easy to make and customize with your favorite type of milk and espresso, and taste equally delicious hot or iced. So whenever you feel like giving your latte a floral twist, let’s simmer up a quick batch of lavender syrup and make some lavender lattes together!

Lavender Latte Ingredients (more…)

Apr 15, 2024

Lavender Syrup


Homemade lavender syrup is easy to make with 3 ingredients and can be used in everything from lattes to cocktails, lemonade, baked goods and more.

This has been the year of lavender syrup here in our house. ♡

Ever since I fell in love with our neighborhood coffee shop’s lavender iced latte last summer — and then pivoted to making my own here at home for a fraction of the cost (recipe coming tomorrow!) — steeping a quick batch of homemade lavender simple syrup has become a regular part of our weekly routine. And over time, we’ve come to find that it’s useful for so many other delicious treats beyond coffee too!

You can use lavender syrup to add a hint of floral flavor to your favorite cocktails. (I’m especially partial to a lavender gin fizz or lavender mojito.) You can add a splash to a refreshing glass of lemonade, iced tea, or sparkling water. You can whisk lavender syrup with powdered sugar to form a lavender glaze, or whip it with heavy cream to make lavender whipped cream. Or you can customize the syrup with different sweeteners or play around with infusing rose, mint, vanilla, or lemon into the syrup too. The possibilities are endless and so much fun!

Most of the time, we keep things simple here in our house with a basic 3-ingredient lavender simple syrup made with dried lavender buds, sugar and water, which won’t steer you wrong. But I’ve included lots of different ideas and tips below to help craft whatever version of this syrup you may love best.

So grab some culinary-grade dried lavender and let’s make a quick batch together. I promise you can find many delicious ways to put it to good use!


Apr 8, 2024

Blueberry Cake


This blueberry cake recipe is easy to make and bursting with fresh blueberries.

Blueberry season calls for my favorite blueberry cake! ♡

I first shared this blueberry cake recipe here ten years ago. And now, over a decade later, it still continues to be a favorite tradition of ours each spring when blueberry season rolls back around. It’s loaded up with a full two pints of fresh blueberries, which add a burst of vibrant sweetness to each bite. Then when mixed with a simple vanilla white cake batter, baked up in a bundt pan, and drizzled lightly with a sweet glaze, this cake is downright lovely through and through. Always such a beautiful cake for springtime!

In the years since I first shared this recipe, I’ve come to love adding a hint of lemon to brighten up the cake batter and glaze. And while I love this cake with fresh blueberries, I’ve also updated the notes below with instructions on how to make it using frozen blueberries too if that’s what you have on hand.

This recipe is always a winner in our house, so I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!


Apr 1, 2024

Ravioli Lasagna


This ravioli lasagna recipe is super-easy to make with 8 ingredients and only 15 minutes of hands-on prep time.

Say hello to one of my longtime favorite shortcut recipes — ravioli lasagna. ♡

We’re all big lasagna fans here in our house. But let’s be real, layering up a pan of classic lasagna is a labor of love, and one that rarely seems to fit into my schedule in this season of life with two little ones. Ravioli lasagna, however, couldn’t be easier!

Simply sauté a big pan of Italian sausage, onion and garlic and combine with your favorite marinara to make a quick meat sauce. (Or you can skip the sausage and keep this recipe vegetarian.) Layer the sauce in a baking dish with frozen tortellini (no need to thaw), ricotta and lots of mozzarella. Pop the pan in the oven and bake until the mix is hot and bubbly. Then top with extra Parmesan and fresh basil and dive on in. The ravioli swap magically provides all of the textures and flavors we all love in traditional lasagna without all of the work. And when layered with all of these classic ingredients tastes absolutely delicious.

Feel free to use whatever flavor of ravioli and marinara sauce that you love best. And if you’d like to toss in some extra veggies or greens, by all means, go for it. This recipe is incredibly flexible and reliable. So the next time you’re at the store, pop a few bags of frozen ravioli in your cart and let’s make a big pan of “lasagna” together!


Mar 26, 2024

Lemony Chicken Stew


This one-pot lemony chicken stew recipe is simmered with hearty vegetables in a creamy lemon-herb broth. Easy to make and always so comforting and flavorful.

After the past few years living in the blissfully temperate Mediterranean, I have to admit it’s been a bit of an adjustment returning to the roller coaster that is spring weather here in the Midwest. In the past week alone, we’ve swung from summery temps to blustery cold winds to heavy thunderstorms to a sprinkling of snow flurries this morning…with a weekend in the 70s forecasted ahead. (Lol, naturally.) But while I’m very much eager for warm weather to return, I’m happy to soak up at least one more day of snuggles in front of the fire with this little cuddle bug. And I’ve gathered up the ingredients to make one more round of this cozy chicken stew for dinner. ♡

This lemony chicken stew is made with a simple mix of tender chicken thighs and rustic-cut veggies, all simmered together until tender in a creamy garlic-herb broth and brightened up with a generous splash of fresh lemon juice. We love serving this stew in warm bowls with big hunks of crusty bread for dipping, but it would also be delicious ladled over egg noodles or rice if you prefer. And while I find it’s easiest to just simmer everything together in a big pot on the stovetop (ready in under 1 hour), you’re welcome to cook this one in the pressure cooker or slow cooker too.

It’s one of those classic comfort foods that always hits the spot. So if you’re looking for a good meal to warm you up through and through, round up some chicken and veggies and let’s make a big pot of stew together!


Mar 15, 2024

Colcannon Soup (Potato Kale Soup)


This Irish-inspired colcannon soup is easy to make with creamy potatoes, kale and cheddar cheese.

The last time I made colcannon (traditional Irish mashed potatoes with kale), the thought occurred to me while gathering the ingredients that they would also be perfect in a soup!

So…here we are. ♡

I’m pretty sure this isn’t a traditional soup in Ireland, so I make no claims for authenticity here. But the traditional ingredients in colcannon (potatoes, kale, garlic, bay leaves, cream) form a fantastic base for a potato soup. And when simmered with extra leeks in veggie broth, partially blended until thick and creamy, and topped with a vibrant sprinkling of chopped scallions, this simple soup was just as delicious as I had imagined. So cozy and flavorful!

I decided to take a bit of extra inspiration from the Irish and add in a big handful of shredded cheddar make it extra cheesy, but the soup is plenty flavorful without the cheese if you’d like to leave it out. You could also add in some bacon or sausage here for extra protein if you’d like. Or if you prefer cabbage instead of kale for the greens in your colcannon, chopped green or Savoy cabbage would be wonderful in this soup as well.

Let’s make some colcannon soup!


Mar 11, 2024



This Irish kale colcannon recipe is perfectly buttery and fluffy and easy to make with a handful of basic ingredients.

St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner and I vote we celebrate with some homemade colcannon. ♡

We love making these classic Irish mashed potatoes anytime during the year that we happen to have some leftover kale and scallions in the fridge. But I recently learned that colcannon is traditionally served in Ireland on Halloween, when little trinkets are often hidden inside to predict your future for the coming year. Fortune-telling mashed potatoes…so fun!

Well whether you decide to make colcannon on Halloween, St. Patrick’s Day, or any other time of the year, these Irish mashed potatoes are always a great idea. They are traditionally made with either sautéed kale or cabbage and lots of scallions, which add a vibrant pop of green color as well as extra nutrients, flavor and texture to classic mashed potatoes. I also always love adding cream cheese to mashed potatoes for an extra pop of tang, plenty of garlic and bay leaf for seasoning, and a generous sprinkling of extra scallions on top. They’re the perfect side dish to complement a range of entrées and the perfect greens-filled comfort food as we move into spring.

Let’s make some colcannon!


Feb 26, 2024

Meet Milo!


Hello hello! Just wanted to pop in with a cute little life update. ♡

I’m delighted to share that our sweet son, Milo Alexander Martin, came to join our family this Valentine’s and we could not be more in love. After another long road to reach this point, we feel deeply aware of how fortunate we are — how many tiny miracles had to come together — to have him here with us. Currently soaking up all the snuggles and showering him with a million kisses each day because, as we’ve learned, this all just goes too fast.

I can’t wait to show you the world, beautiful boy.

Feb 12, 2024

Lemony Broccoli Pesto Pasta


This vibrant lemony broccoli pesto pasta is quick and easy to make and full of fresh flavors.

Your veggies, greens, and pasta…all in one gorgeous dish! ♡

We’re all big fans of this lemony broccoli pesto pasta here in our house for different reasons. Teo, our toddler, loves the vibrant color and has taken to calling this recipe “super-green pasta”, since we have a lot of toddler-talk lately around here about how green veggies help keep our bodies nice and strong. My husband, Barclay, has yet to meet a pesto or broccoli dish that he doesn’t love, so this one was already a hit the first time I even mentioned the idea. And I — currently 38-weeks pregnant and highly motivated to get dinner on the table and off my feet stat, lol — really appreciate how a few easy shortcuts can bring this recipe together in just about 30 minutes of so. Plus, it’s absolutely delicious!!

I highly recommend using a bag of pre-cut refrigerated or frozen broccoli florets here to save you a bit of prep time. Then you can just toss them into the hot pasta water for a quick cook, transfer the broccoli to a food processor while the pasta cooks to purée it into a nutrient- and flavor-packed pesto with fresh spinach, lots of fresh basil, garlic, lemon, Parmesan, pine nuts (or almonds) and olive oil, then combine the sauce with perfectly al dente pasta to create a gorgeous pesto pasta.

It’s a fabulous dish served just on its own, or you’re of course welcome to mix in your favorite cooked protein (such as shrimp, chicken, salmon, Italian sausage) or roasted veggies if you would like. Or if you happen to be craving pasta salad on a nice warm day, this recipe works just as well served chilled instead of hot. Options, options.

However you make this one, I feel certain you’re going to love it as much as we do. So grab some broccoli and let’s make a big batch of pesto pasta together!


Feb 5, 2024

Roasted Carrot Soup with Za’atar Chickpeas


This simple roasted carrot soup recipe is made with creamy tahini and topped with crispy za’atar chickpeas. Naturally gluten-free, vegetarian and vegan.

If you were to drop by our house at any point during the year and take an impromptu peek in our fridge, I can pretty much guarantee that you would always be greeted with an impressive amount of carrots.

Carrots with hummus are my husband’s all-time favorite snack, and he regularly swings by Costco to buy huge bags of organic carrots in bulk just to be sure that we never (heaven forbid) accidentally run out. So it’s a given that I’m always set to go whenever a soup recipe calls for a few carrots for mirepoix…or, hey, two pounds of carrots for this roasted carrot soup!

We love this soup in our house because it’s easy to make with a short list of healthy ingredients, including a full pan of carrots that are roasted until perfectly caramelized in the oven and puréed with creamy tahini, veggie broth, lemon juice, and a few simple seasonings. But the best part of this recipe is arguably the za’atar chickpeas that roast alongside the carrots to crispy, earthy, savory perfection. They’re meant to serve as a crunchy topping for the soup, but at least half of the pan typically disappears in our house before they make it to the soup — they’re too irresistible!

We love serving this soup with a big loaf of crusty sourdough or a simple green salad, but go with whatever sounds good. Let’s make some carrot soup!


Feb 2, 2024

3-Ingredient Flourless Chocolate Cake


My longtime favorite flourless cake recipe is decadently rich and delicious, naturally gluten-free, and easy to make in under 1 hour!

Trust me, this flourless chocolate cake recipe belongs in your dessert repertoire. ♡

I actually first shared this recipe here on Gimme Some Oven over a dozen years ago, and have probably made it at least a few dozen times ever since. It has turned into one of my back-pocket dessert recipes because it calls for 3 simple ingredients that I almost always keep stocked in my kitchen — eggs, butter and chocolate. It’s easy to prep and bake in under 1 hour. It’s naturally gluten-free. And who can argue with a decadent, fudgy, flourless chocolate cake?! People always adore this recipe!

After having made this cake so many times, I can vouch that this classic recipe welcomes fun ingredient twists as well. So if you feel like adding in a dash of cinnamon and cayenne, a spoonful of espresso powder, or a splash of bourbon, go for it! I’ve also made this cake using everything from the fanciest chocolate bars to store-brand semisweet chocolate chips and all have turned out to be absolutely delicious. Please just take a minute to read a few of my tried-and-true tips below (turns out the type of aluminum foil can make a big difference here!) so that your flourless chocolate cakes are a success each and every time.

Let’s make some cake! (more…)

Jan 31, 2024

Vegetarian Cabbage Roll Soup


This vegetarian cabbage roll soup is filled with protein-rich lentils and all of the delicious flavors you love from traditional cabbage rolls. Naturally gluten-free and vegetarian/vegan.

I have yet to meet a cabbage soup I don’t love. But this one has turned into an especially delicious and nostalgic favorite for our family over the past few years. ♡

It’s inspired by the Ukrainian cabbage rolls that we learned to make a few summers ago while hosting a mother and daughter who had to flee their country after the war broke out. The language barrier when they arrived meant that the majority of our conversations around the house usually progressed quite slowly, communicating back and forth using Google Translate along with plenty of hand motions and laughter. But we quickly found that one of our favorite ways to connect was simply by cooking in the kitchen together, taking turns introducing one another to some of the traditional dishes we grew up with and loved best. I think they would report that my chocolate chip cookies won the award as their favorite American recipe, haha, but Elena’s homemade cabbage rolls definitely ended up being a new favorite for us.

Her classic combination of cabbage, rice, and veggies rolled up and cooked in a savory tomato sauce always felt like such delicious comfort food. And while Elena loved to make a big batch of traditional pork cabbage rolls for the majority of us around the table, she always lovingly made sure to prepare an extra vegetarian option just for my husband (either with Beyond meat or some sort of legumes), that I honestly ended up enjoying just as much. Steaming the cabbage and assembling each of those individual rolls can be a time-consuming labor of love, though, so we also came to enjoy “soupifying” her recipe. And now, over a year and a transatlantic move later, simmering a big batch of cabbage roll soup has become one of our family’s favorite ways to remember our time together.

We love swapping in protein-rich lentils here in place of meat and seasoning the cozy tomato broth with a hint of smoked paprika and bay leaf. But there are all sorts of creative ways that you can season this soup with various herbs and spices, so feel free to get creative if you’d like! I also like to take the shortcut of steaming up some store-bought frozen brown rice to add to the soup, but you’re welcome to add in your favorite kind of rice, farro, orzo, or whatever grains you prefer. Just don’t forget to finish the soup with a generous squeeze of lemon juice and a sprinkling of fresh herbs to brighten things up. Delicious!!


Jan 26, 2024

Matcha Latte


This classic matcha latte recipe is easy to make and customize to your liking and always so delicious.

The older I get, the more I’m convinced that one of life’s simplest pleasures is looking forward to the next morning’s warm and cozy drink. And this winter in particular, I’ve found myself often trading in my usual coffee for a vibrant matcha latte to start the day. ♡

I’ve always loved the ritual of making a matcha latte just as much as the drink itself — sifting the gorgeous green powder into a bowl, whisking it rhythmically into a paste, swirling it together with frothy steamed milk, and savoring that deliciously warm and earthy first sip. It always feels like such a simple yet sacred process, and it’s one that I’ve come to really enjoy making at home over the last few years. And the resulting nutrient-rich drink with its layers of comforting flavors is always such a treat.

The joy of making your own homemade matcha latte, of course, is that you get to customize the type and amount of sweetener that you use, if you choose to sweeten your drink at all. (I personally find the Starbucks matcha latte a bit too sweet for my taste.) You can also use your favorite type of milk, and tweak the specific milk to matcha ratio that you prefer. And of course, a homemade matcha latte is almost always significantly cheaper than the coffee shop version.

If you’re new to making matcha lattes, there’s a tiny learning curve that comes with the process, so I recommend reading through the notes and watching the video below for a visual. Then in no time, you too can be starting the day with your own cozy homemade matcha latte too. Cheers, friends!


Jan 22, 2024

Roasted Sweet Potato and Chickpea Bowls


These zesty roasted sweet potato and chickpea bowls are layered with sautéed spinach and brown rice and tossed with my favorite 4-ingredient chipotle tahini dressing. Naturally gluten-free and vegan too.

Hands-down my favorite easy dinner recipe that I’ve made so far this year. ♡

The elements to build these bowls are quite simple — a big pan of roasted sweet potatoes and chickpeas tossed with zesty seasoning, a quick batch of garlicky sautéed spinach, creamy slices of avocado, a bed of brown rice and your choice of toppings. But when layered together and tossed with my favorite 4-ingredient chipotle tahini dressing (which some of you might remember from this salad recipe that I shared last year), I’m telling you, these bowls are beyond delicious!

They’re perfectly balanced with a mix of zesty, smoky, tangy, creamy and fresh flavors. They happen to be naturally gluten-free and vegan, and made with nutrient-rich ingredients that are filling without weighing you down. They are easy to customize with whatever extra veggies you might have on hand, or even serve for breakfast with an egg on top. And that dressing — oh, that magical dressing — is certain to win a spot on your regular recipe rotation if it’s not there already.

We’re already such big fans of this recipe here in our home, so I hope you’ll give it a try soon too!


Jan 16, 2024

Lightened-Up Broccoli Cheese Soup


This veggie-loaded broccoli cheese soup recipe is perfectly velvety and creamy without using heavy cream. Instant Pot, Crock-Pot and stovetop options all included.

It’s officially -2°F outside right now and we’re on what feels like our zillionth snow day here in Kansas City and I am…over it, lol. Missing those mild Barcelona winters something fierce right about now. But we’ve been doing our best to get back into the Midwestern groove by keeping our new fireplace running, stocking up on cozy blankets and new hot teas, and making soups, soups, soups galore.

One of our recent favorites? This creamy veggie-loaded broccoli cheese soup. ♡

I have to admit the recipe came about purely as an effort to get more veggies into our toddler, who is pretty hit and miss on anything green lately. But once pureed into a velvety, creamy, vibrant green soup and loaded up with crunchy croutons on top, this broccoli cheese soup turned out to be a total win! I added in a generous amount of veggies and took a tip from my friend, Kathryne, to blend a starchy potato into the soup to make it thick and creamy (instead of using extra heavy cream). And the end result was full of fresh broccoli flavor, deliciously creamy and cheesy, and the perfect way to warm up on a far-below-freezing day.

I’ve included options for how to make this recipe in either the Instant Pot, Crock-Pot or on the stovetop. And as I’ve noted below, there are all sorts of fun ways that you can customize this soup with extra veggies or different seasonings if you’d like. I’m just going to insist that you buy a good block of sharp cheddar to shred and blend in here, as its flavor can really make all the different in a good broccoli cheese soup.

For all of you who are also braving the arctic blasts out there, stay warm this week. And let’s make some delicious soup together!
