Dec 13, 2023

Snickerdoodle Blondies

This snickerdoodle blondies recipe is irresistibly rich, buttery, tangy, and sprinkled with a crunchy cinnamon-sugar topping.

Yes, they’re just as good as you would imagine. ♡♡♡

Turns out that everyone’s favorite cinnamon-sugar cookie (with its signature slight hint of tanginess) is a dessert mashup match made in heaven with rich, buttery, caramelized blondies. I simply added some extra cinnamon and cream of tartar to my favorite blondies recipe, tossed the batter with white chocolate chips, sprinkled the tops with a thin layer of crunchy cinnamon sugar and popped them in the oven until they were just ever-so-slightly underbaked (the key with blondies!). And oh my goodness, they were so much better than I even expected.

We absolutely loved these snickerdoodle blondies, as did everyone who happened to be passing through out house during the weeks that our first batch…the second batch…then third batch were available for the sampling. Highly recommend adding them to your baking bucket list this holiday season!



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