Oct 24, 2022

Smoky Pumpkin Mac and Cheese with Garlicky Breadcrumbs


This smoky pumpkin mac and cheese recipe is made with the most dreamy smoked gouda pumpkin sauce and sprinkled with crispy garlic-herb breadcrumbs.

Smoky Pumpkin Mac and Cheese

Ok, I know that we’re probably not supposed to pick favorites as food bloggers. But I feel the need to mention that my husband casually mentioned that this was one of his favorite recipes I’ve made…“ever.”

I have to say that I agree. ♡

As someone who’s always had a soft spot for savory pumpkin recipes, I had a very good feeling about the idea of this mac and cheese when I was rounding up the ingredients. The combination of creamy smoked gouda, salty aged Parmesan, sweet pumpkin purée, chunky pipe rigate, fresh baby spinach, and a hint of smoked paprika sounded like it had great potential. But when stirred together until perfectly creamy and melty, and then served hot sprinkled with a crunch of garlicky rosemary breadcrumbs? This mac and cheese was next-level amazing.

The smoky, savory and slightly-sweet blend of flavors makes the pumpkin cheese sauce downright irresistible. And I will warn you now that you’re definitely going to be reaching for a second scoop of these magical garlicky breadcrumbs, which add the most perfect, buttery, garlicky “crunch” to every bite. We’ve kept this recipe vegetarian here in our house, but you’re welcome to add in some chicken or sausage if you’d like. And if you happen to be sensitive to smoky flavors, be sure to read the notes below for different cheeses that you’re welcome to use.

I can’t wait for you to try this one, so round up some pumpkin and cheese and let’s get to cooking!



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