Jun 30, 2022

Giant Cinnamon Roll

This giant cinnamon roll recipe is made with the most delicious soft dough, cinnamon-sugar filling, and a tangy cream cheese icing. Ready to go in one hour from start to finish!

Only thing more fun than a pan of cinnamon rolls?

One giant cinnamon roll. ♡

Seriously, we’ve been having such a great time serving up this variation on my 1-hour cinnamon rolls recipe over the past year. People are downright delighted each time this giant roll emerges from the oven. And when topped with my favorite cream cheese icing, sliced into wedges, served up nice and warm, and drizzled with a little extra icing for good measure (I insist), this giant cinnamon roll will definitely be stealing the show at your next brunch!

The great news for all of us is that this recipe is pretty simple to make and comes together easily in just one hour. There’s also no stand mixer required (although you are welcome to use yours if you own one), and the giant roll can be baked in a skillet, pie plate, or any other oven-safe pan that you prefer. We’ve also included detailed step-by-step instructions in the video below for exactly how to wrap this giant roll, so I recommend giving it a quick watch before you begin.

If you love cinnamon rolls as much as we do in our house, you simply must give this one a try. Enjoy!!


source https://www.gimmesomeoven.com/giant-cinnamon-roll/

Jun 28, 2022

Crispy Coconut Chicken Salad with Sesame Vinaigrette

This crispy coconut chicken salad recipe is bursting with fresh sweet and savory flavors and tossed with a simple sesame vinaigrette.

One of those salads that just makes me so happy. ♡

Some of you might recognize it as a riff on the nostalgic mandarin chicken salads that so many of us (hi, me!) used to love at restaurants back in the 90s. But my modern version is lightened up, freshened up, and dare I say even more flavorful than the originals! It’s loaded up with an irresistible blend of crisp coleslaw, juicy fresh mandarin oranges, creamy avocado, toasted almonds, chopped cilantro and scallions. Then everything is tossed with a quick sesame vinaigrette, and topped with my favorite pan-fried crispy coconut chicken. It’s the perfect balance of sweet and savory flavors, creamy and crunchy and juicy textures, with zero cans of syrupy-sweet mandarin oranges in sight. If you’re anything like me, I think you’re going to absolutely love it!

Of course, there are all sorts of ways that you’re welcome to customize this recipe to your liking, from swapping in your favorite protein (shrimp or tofu would be fantastic alternatives to chicken), to whatever greens or nuts you happen to have on hand, to all sorts of other fun add-ins that might strike your fancy (see ideas below). So please have fun with this recipe and enjoy an extra bite for me!


source https://www.gimmesomeoven.com/crispy-coconut-chicken-salad-with-sesame-vinaigrette/

Jun 23, 2022

Beef Enchiladas

This Tex-Mex-inspired beef enchilada recipe is richly seasoned, easy to make, and always such a crowd fave!

Beef Enchiladas

One of my longtime favorite recipes to whip up for a big dinner party, wrap up in a casserole dish to bring to friends, or bake up on a regular old weeknight here with just the three of us — say hello to my favorite beef enchiladas! ♡

These delicious Tex-Mex-inspired enchiladas are loaded up with with tender ground beef (or we often make ours nowadays with plant-based meat), green chiles, onion, garlic, beans, cheese, your choice of tortillas, and my favorite red enchilada sauce. And when baked to warm and melty perfection, then served up with a few slices of avocado and perhaps a sprinkling of fresh cilantro and crumbled cotija, I can tell you — after a decade plus of serving these enchiladas to loved ones — that they are always, always such a hit.

They’re perfect for prepping ahead of time, making this recipe a great option for easy entertaining or popping in the oven after a long day of work. And they can also easily be made gluten-free with corn tortillas and my homemade sauce, if you’d like.

I’ve made this beef enchiladas recipe more times than I can count and know we’ll certainly be enjoying it in our house for many years to come. So if you have yet to give it a try, it’s time!


source https://www.gimmesomeoven.com/beef-enchiladas-recipe/

Jun 20, 2022

Caesar-ish Dressing

This caesar-ish dressing (anchovy vinaigrette) recipe is quick and easy to make with just 5 simple ingredients.

For those times when you’re craving a good caesar dressing, yet want something a bit lighter, quicker and easier…

…try my favorite 5-ingredient “caesar-ish” dressing! ♡

Technically an anchovy vinaigrette, this dressing packs all of the bold, savory, umami flavors we all love in a traditional caesar, yet leaves out the raw eggs that are usually added for creaminess. The result is a fresh, lemony, garlicky, anchovy-lover’s dressing that we can’t stop making here in our house.

Barclay and I love tossing it with some greens, toasted breadcrumbs, and a sprinkling of Parmesan for what we fondly call our “caesar-ish salad,” which takes all of 10 minutes to whip up and works beautifully as a side salad or entrée. (We especially love serving ours with salmon.) But just like traditional caesar dressing, there are all sorts of other delicious ways that you could put this simple vinaigrette to use with vegetables, seafood, meat, sandwiches, pastas, and more.

So if you love caesar dressing as much as we do, pop open a tin of anchovies (or a tube of anchovy paste) and let’s make a quick batch of this delicious vinaigrette together. I know that all of you fellow anchovy-fans are going to enjoy it!


source https://www.gimmesomeoven.com/caesar-ish-dressing-anchovy-vinagirette/

Jun 8, 2022

Roasted Chickpea, Avocado and Cucumber Salad

This simple green salad is loaded up with zesty roasted chickpeas, cucumber, avocado, feta cheese, fresh herbs, and a tangy lemon vinaigrette.

As I mentioned in my post earlier this week, Barclay and I love roasting up a big pan of chickpeas at least once a week. And this big green salad, in particular, is one of our favorite ways to put them to use! ♡

We love it because it’s loaded up with so many of our favorite ingredients that taste so fresh and light, especially this time of year. We’re talking crisp greens, cool cucumber, creamy avocado, sliced red onions, tangy feta (or goat cheese), lots and lots of fresh herbs (we’re partial to dill and mint here), and a quick lemon vinaigrette. The whole salad comes together quickly and easily and is bursting with bright summertime flavors. And while it could work well as a side salad, we usually just make a meal out of it!

If you’d like to add in some protein, grilled shrimp, salmon, chicken or steak would all be delicious options. Or if you feel like making the salad completely vegan, you can just nix the cheese. However you make it, we hope that you love it as much as we do. It’s definitely a keeper in our house!

Salad Ingredients

Before we get to the full recipe below, here are the notes about the ingredients you will need to make this roasted chickpea salad recipe:

  • Roasted chickpeas: This is our go-to crispy roasted chickpeas recipe here in our house. It’s quick and easy to make with chickpeas, olive oil, and my favorite blend of spices, but feel free to use whatever seasonings you prefer.
  • Greens: I like a nice crisp green in this salad, such as Romaine or little gems, but just about any salad greens that you happen to have on hand will work.
  • Cucumbers: Mini cucumbers (or an English cucumber) add such a lovely bit of crunch to this salad.
  • Crumbled cheese: We alternate using feta and goat cheese in this salad — both options are delicious!
  • Red onion: I recommend slicing the onion extra thin for this salad. If you prefer a milder onion flavor, just rinse the cut onion in cold water and drain before adding it to the salad.
  • Herbs: I love adding lots and lots of fresh herbs to this salad! Fresh mint and dill are usually our faves, but basil, parsley or cilantro would be great alternatives too.
  • Lemon vinaigrette: This simple dressing is easy to whip up with olive oil, lemon juice, Dijon, garlic, salt and pepper.

Recipe Variations

This green salad recipe is incredibly flexible, so feel free to customize it as you’d like! For example, feel free to…

  • Add a protein: Shrimp, salmon, scallops, chicken, steak or bacon would all be great additions.
  • Add extra veggies: Any other salad-friendly veggies (such as bell peppers, carrots, radishes, snap peas, tomatoes, etc) could work well here too.
  • Add olives or capers: Either would be delicious.
  • Make it vegan: Use plant-based cheese or omit the cheese altogether.

More Green Salad Recipes

Looking for more big green salad recipes to try? Here are a few of my faves:


Roasted Chickpea Salad

  • Author: Ali
  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Cook Time: 45 mins
  • Total Time: 50 mins
  • Yield: 4 to 6 servings


This simple green salad is loaded up with zesty roasted chickpeas, cucumber, avocado, feta cheese, fresh herbs, and a tangy lemon vinaigrette.


Salad Ingredients:

  • 1 batch roasted chickpeas
  • 10 ounces Romaine or little gem lettuce, chopped into bite-sized pieces
  • 6 ounces mini cucumbers (or half of an English cucumber), sliced into bite-sized pieces
  • 4 ounces crumbled feta cheese
  • 1 large avocado, diced
  • half of a small red onion, very thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cup fresh mint leaves, roughly chopped
  • 1/4 cup fresh dill, roughly chopped

Vinaigrette Ingredients:

  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly-ground black pepper
  • 1 large garlic clove, pressed or minced


  1. Make the vinaigrette. Whisk all ingredients together in a small bowl (or shake all ingredients together vigorously in a sealed jar) until completely combined.
  2. Toss the salad. Combine half of the chickpeas, lettuce, cucumbers, feta, avocado, red onion, mint and dill in a large mixing bowl. Drizzle evenly with the prepared vinaigrette and gently toss until combined.
  3. Serve. Serve immediately, garnished with the remaining crispy chickpeas, and enjoy!


Prep time: The prep time listed above is to prepare the chickpeas for roasting. The prep time for the remainder of the salad is included within the amount of time that the chickpeas bake (although it will likely take much less than 45 minutes to prep).

source https://www.gimmesomeoven.com/roasted-chickpea-avocado-cucumber-salad/

Jun 6, 2022

Roasted Chickpeas

This oven roasted chickpeas recipe is super-simple to make and irresistibly crispy and delicious!

Whenever Barclay and I can’t decide what to make for dinner, we have a running joke that one of us will always eventually offer — “want me to just roast up a batch of chickpeas?” ♡

Roasted chickpeas have somehow become our default dinner protein over the years, partly because they’re so inexpensive, healthy, versatile, and super-easy to make. But mainly, we just find ourselves making them so often because my vegetarian husband and I both equally love them! They’re perfect for tossing in a big green salad, piling onto fresh buddah bowls, sprinkling over soups or pastas, or just snacking on plain (my favorite). And especially on those nights when we haven’t been to the grocery store in awhile, we know that we can always grab a can or two of chickpeas from the pantry to add some satisfying protein to our meal. They’re just so good!

That said, while there are about a million ways that you can season roasted chickpeas, we tend to make ours the same way 9 times out of 10 — with smoked paprika, sumac, garlic powder, salt and pepper. We’ve found this simple seasoning blend goes with just about anything. And I’m telling you, that smoky, citrusy, savory flavors always hits the spot.

So today, I thought I’d pop in to share our favorite roasted chickpeas recipe with you, as well as my best tips that I’ve learned over the years for how to roast legit crispy chickpeas, how to properly store them, and all sorts of delicious ways to put them to use.

Let’s roast some chickpeas!


source https://www.gimmesomeoven.com/roasted-chickpeas/

Jun 3, 2022

Barclay’s Kefir Pancakes

This kefir pancakes recipe is easy to whip up and always so fluffy and delicious!

Sundays are pancake days here in our home. ♡

Barclay decided to start this weekly tradition back when we were newlyweds, always saying with a wink that was practicing to get his skills in shape so he could be “that dad who makes really good pancakes” someday if a little one came into the picture. And now, five years into marriage (our anniversary was this week) with a hungry little sous-chef happily perched on his hip (hola, Teo!), I have to say that Pancake Sundays have become sweeter than ever.

It’s usually a bit of sweet chaos, of course, with a 14-month-old in the kitchen. But now that Teo is old enough to “help” out a bit, he loves getting to add in the ingredients and stir the batter. And the moment those hot cakes land on his high chair tray, you’d better believe our little dude is on it. He absolutely loves his dad’s pancakes and always polishes off every last bite, which couldn’t delight Barclay more. And I have to agree…these pancakes are amazing!

Barclay always makes them with kefir instead of buttermilk, which adds some extra probiotics and makes them extra fluffy. And while we usually just prefer ours plain with a drizzle of maple syrup, there are all sorts of fun mix-ins or toppings that you’re welcome to add too. The batter is incredibly quick and easy to make, and I’ve included all of my best pancake tips below too to help ensure that yours brown and fluff up perfectly.

Anyway, I’ve been meaning to share this recipe for years. So come join us for Pancake Sunday — or any day of the week that you’re craving a sweet treat for breakfast — and let’s make a round of Barclay’s kefir pancakes together!


source https://www.gimmesomeoven.com/kefir-pancakes/