Mar 26, 2024

Lemony Chicken Stew

This one-pot lemony chicken stew recipe is simmered with hearty vegetables in a creamy lemon-herb broth. Easy to make and always so comforting and flavorful.

After the past few years living in the blissfully temperate Mediterranean, I have to admit it’s been a bit of an adjustment returning to the roller coaster that is spring weather here in the Midwest. In the past week alone, we’ve swung from summery temps to blustery cold winds to heavy thunderstorms to a sprinkling of snow flurries this morning…with a weekend in the 70s forecasted ahead. (Lol, naturally.) But while I’m very much eager for warm weather to return, I’m happy to soak up at least one more day of snuggles in front of the fire with this little cuddle bug. And I’ve gathered up the ingredients to make one more round of this cozy chicken stew for dinner. ♡

This lemony chicken stew is made with a simple mix of tender chicken thighs and rustic-cut veggies, all simmered together until tender in a creamy garlic-herb broth and brightened up with a generous splash of fresh lemon juice. We love serving this stew in warm bowls with big hunks of crusty bread for dipping, but it would also be delicious ladled over egg noodles or rice if you prefer. And while I find it’s easiest to just simmer everything together in a big pot on the stovetop (ready in under 1 hour), you’re welcome to cook this one in the pressure cooker or slow cooker too.

It’s one of those classic comfort foods that always hits the spot. So if you’re looking for a good meal to warm you up through and through, round up some chicken and veggies and let’s make a big pot of stew together!



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