Jan 26, 2024

Matcha Latte


This classic matcha latte recipe is easy to make and customize to your liking and always so delicious.

The older I get, the more I’m convinced that one of life’s simplest pleasures is looking forward to the next morning’s warm and cozy drink. And this winter in particular, I’ve found myself often trading in my usual coffee for a vibrant matcha latte to start the day. ♡

I’ve always loved the ritual of making a matcha latte just as much as the drink itself — sifting the gorgeous green powder into a bowl, whisking it rhythmically into a paste, swirling it together with frothy steamed milk, and savoring that deliciously warm and earthy first sip. It always feels like such a simple yet sacred process, and it’s one that I’ve come to really enjoy making at home over the last few years. And the resulting nutrient-rich drink with its layers of comforting flavors is always such a treat.

The joy of making your own homemade matcha latte, of course, is that you get to customize the type and amount of sweetener that you use, if you choose to sweeten your drink at all. (I personally find the Starbucks matcha latte a bit too sweet for my taste.) You can also use your favorite type of milk, and tweak the specific milk to matcha ratio that you prefer. And of course, a homemade matcha latte is almost always significantly cheaper than the coffee shop version.

If you’re new to making matcha lattes, there’s a tiny learning curve that comes with the process, so I recommend reading through the notes and watching the video below for a visual. Then in no time, you too can be starting the day with your own cozy homemade matcha latte too. Cheers, friends!



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