Sep 26, 2022

London Fog Latte (Hot or Iced)

This cozy London Fog Latte recipe is easy to make hot or iced and brewed with a lovely hint of lavender.

London Fog Latte (Earl Grey Latte)

Once upon a time, this was the very first latte recipe I ever posted here on Gimme Some Oven. And now — over a decade and countless lattes later — it continues to be one of my absolute favorites. ♡

If you happen to be new to London Fog lattes, there’s actually zero coffee involved here. Rather, this is a simple tea latte brewed with classic earl grey, your choice of milk, a hint of vanilla extract to warm things up, and a drizzle of honey to sweeten. The version that I originally fell in love over a decade ago at Latte Land in Kansas City was also brewed with a subtle hint of lavender, whose flavor I’ve come to adore in this latte and am going to insist that you try here. It plays beautifully with the bergamot orange in the earl grey and the floral notes of the honey and, in my opinion, really elevates this drink to something extra-special. I’ve probably brewed hundreds of these lattes over the years, and always joke with friends that it’s my hug in a mug. Sooo warm and cozy and comforting!

That said, as much as I adore a good hot London Fog, I’ve come to also really enjoy serving this latte over ice in the warmer months, so I thought I would update this recipe today to include both versions. This latte is also easy to make vegan with whatever dairy-free plain milk you most prefer. And if you happen to be avoiding caffeine, there are some lovely decaf earl grey teas on the market nowadays that will work perfectly in this recipe too.

Alright, let’s make some lattes!




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