Feb 12, 2024

Lemony Broccoli Pesto Pasta


This vibrant lemony broccoli pesto pasta is quick and easy to make and full of fresh flavors.

Your veggies, greens, and pasta…all in one gorgeous dish! ♡

We’re all big fans of this lemony broccoli pesto pasta here in our house for different reasons. Teo, our toddler, loves the vibrant color and has taken to calling this recipe “super-green pasta”, since we have a lot of toddler-talk lately around here about how green veggies help keep our bodies nice and strong. My husband, Barclay, has yet to meet a pesto or broccoli dish that he doesn’t love, so this one was already a hit the first time I even mentioned the idea. And I — currently 38-weeks pregnant and highly motivated to get dinner on the table and off my feet stat, lol — really appreciate how a few easy shortcuts can bring this recipe together in just about 30 minutes of so. Plus, it’s absolutely delicious!!

I highly recommend using a bag of pre-cut refrigerated or frozen broccoli florets here to save you a bit of prep time. Then you can just toss them into the hot pasta water for a quick cook, transfer the broccoli to a food processor while the pasta cooks to purée it into a nutrient- and flavor-packed pesto with fresh spinach, lots of fresh basil, garlic, lemon, Parmesan, pine nuts (or almonds) and olive oil, then combine the sauce with perfectly al dente pasta to create a gorgeous pesto pasta.

It’s a fabulous dish served just on its own, or you’re of course welcome to mix in your favorite cooked protein (such as shrimp, chicken, salmon, Italian sausage) or roasted veggies if you would like. Or if you happen to be craving pasta salad on a nice warm day, this recipe works just as well served chilled instead of hot. Options, options.

However you make this one, I feel certain you’re going to love it as much as we do. So grab some broccoli and let’s make a big batch of pesto pasta together!



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