Jan 30, 2023

One Pot Broccoli Mac and Cheese


This one pot broccoli mac and cheese recipe is easy to customize with your favorite veggies or proteins and always turns out perfectly creamy and cheesy.

One-pot comfort food for the win. ♡

We’re clearly big mac and cheese fans here in our house. And on busy nights when we want to save the step of cooking an extra side of veggies, this one-pot broccoli mac and cheese recipe is a favorite!

We love this recipe because it’s mercifully light on prep time (especially if you grab a bag of pre-cut broccoli florets) and can easily be made gluten-free by using your favorite GF pasta. And while we really love adding mushrooms to our broccoli mac and cheese, you’re welcome to sub in any other pasta-friendly veggies or greens that you might love best. Feel free, too, to add in any extra proteins that you might like, such as chicken, sausage, bacon or shrimp. But I have to say that the vegetarian version of this broccoli mac and cheese is incredibly hearty, cozy, cheesy and satisfying all on its own.

If you’re new to cooking one-pot pastas, please be sure to read some of the cooking tips included below to help troubleshoot any issues that might arise with the cheese sauce. But otherwise, grab that cheese grater and let’s cook up a delicious pot of mac together!


Jan 24, 2023

Blackened Salmon Tacos


This blackened salmon tacos recipe is layered with a quick mango slaw, corn tortillas, and your choice of toppings.

Blackened Salmon Tacos

The next time you find yourself craving fish tacos, you must, must try these blackened salmon tacos. ♡

As far as fish taco recipes go, this one is a relative breeze to make. (No breading, frying, or extra-sauce-making required!) Simply sprinkle blackened seasoning on a few salmon filets and pan-sear until perfectly charred and tender. Toss together a quick mango slaw. Warm a batch of corn of flour tortillas until softened. Then layer everything together with whatever toppings make you happy…and enjoy!

These blackened salmon tacos are intentionally low on fuss and big on flavor. And that perfectly-balanced blend of sweet and savory, smoky and tangy, herby and creamy flavors is an absolute winner in my book. That said, feel free to swap in a different protein (such as shrimp or chicken) or a different fruit for the slaw (such as pineapple or peach), if you’d prefer. And if you’d like to make this recipe dairy-free, as well as gluten-free, just skip the cheese.

Let’s make some blackened salmon tacos!

Blackened Salmon Taco Ingredients (more…)

Jan 23, 2023

Blackened Salmon


My favorite blackened salmon recipe is easy to make in 20 minutes and features a perfectly-blackened, flavorful, crispy crust.

Blackened Salmon

One of my all-time favorite 20-minute meals — blackened salmon. ♡

I don’t know how I’ve never posted my favorite blackened salmon recipe here, since Barclay and I have been cooking up some version of this recipe a few times a month for years now. It’s one of our fallbacks on busy nights when we’re craving something healthy but don’t have much time to cook, and genuinely couldn’t be easier. Simply brush a few salmon filets with oil, sprinkle on some blackened seasoning, pan-sear until those flavorful spices char to crispy perfection and — voila! — an unfailingly delicious dinner is ready to go in minutes.

We most often roast up a quick pan of veggies or toss together a green side salad while the salmon cooks to complete the meal. But blackened salmon can also be absolutely delicious in tacos, pastas, rices, grain bowls, salads of all kinds, quiches, dips, and more. It’s one of those impressively low-stress, high-reward recipes that’s nearly impossible to mess up and never lets us down. So let me show you my favorite way to blacken salmon!

Blackened Salmon Ingredients (more…)

Jan 19, 2023

Extra-Veggie Vegetarian Chili


This delicious vegetarian chili recipe is easy to make, full of rich flavor, and loaded up with lots of extra veggies.

Extra-Veggie Vegetarian Chili with Avocado

Chili night usually doubles as use-up-any-leftover-veggies night in our house because…why not?! ♡

The bold flavors in a classic tomato chili broth are perfect for welcoming in (and, let’s be real, hiding!) a wide range of vegetables. So this is the perfect occasion to clean out the crisper drawer or empty out those random bags of frozen veggies hiding in your freezer and put them to delicious use. This recipe is super-flexible and easy to customize with whatever veggies, greens and beans you happen to have on hand. And if you happen to have a picky kid at the table, you can also easily purée some (or all) of them too. Extra veggies for the win!

This recipe also happens to be naturally gluten-free and vegan. And as always, please feel totally free to play around with the seasonings and adjust them to taste. You’re also welcome to add in some plant-based ground “meat”, if you enjoy that texture in your chili. And don’t be shy with adding on your favorite toppings — the more, the merrier!

Let’s make some vegetarian chili together!

Vegetarian Chili Ingredients (more…)

Jan 16, 2023

Ginger Shots


My favorite ginger shot recipe is super easy to make in the blender, more affordable than store-bought versions, and completely customizeable to your liking.

As someone who’s a bit of a ginger fanatic, I absolutely adore a well-crafted ginger shot. But the cost of those little store-bought bottles can definitely add up!

So I’m here today to talk you into making your own from scratch. ♡

It’s easy to make a quick batch in less than 10 minutes using a blender (no fancy juicer required). And the best part of making homemade ginger shots is that you get to control the intensity of the ginger and what other ingredients are included! I’m partial to a 3-ingredient mix of orange, lemon and coconut water as the base for my ginger shots. But you are welcome to just just about any type of fruit juice (such as grapefruit, pineapple, apple, etc) or water that you prefer. And while I love a very strong and spicy kick of ginger in mine, but you can easily tone down or amp up the amount of ginger however you would like.

I always love starting the week by blending up a quick batch. So if you love ginger shots as much as I do, join me!


Jan 10, 2023

Ginger Lime Pork with Coconut Rice


This Ginger Lime Pork with Coconut Rice recipe comes together in just 30 minutes and is bursting with sweet and savory flavors.

Ginger Lime Pork with Coconut Rice

New favorite 30-minute meal alert! ♡

This is definitely one of those recipes that cooks up to be so much more than the sum of its parts, thanks to a few extra minutes in the skillet that magically help to caramelize the ginger-lime sauce with the pork. It’s a simple trick that yields the most irresistible sticky texture and flavor. And I’m certain you are going to love it!

All you need is a pound of ground pork (or ground chicken, beef, turkey, seitan — you choose!), which will then be sautéed until caramelized with a simple mix of scallions, ginger, garlic, brown sugar, lime juice and sriracha. Then sprinkle on your choice of toppings, such crushed peanuts, scallions, and/or fresh herbs (mint, cilantro or Thai basil are all great options). Serve over my favorite coconut rice, which pairs perfectly with all of that ginger and lime. And enjoy, enjoy.

I’ve been making this dish on repeat these past few months whenever I’m craving a quick hit of protein for dinner, usually with a side of veggies or a simple green salad, and it always hits the spot. So if you’re looking for a simple new recipe to add to your rotation, give it a try soon!

Ginger Lime Pork Ingredients (more…)

Jan 9, 2023

Coconut Rice


This coconut rice recipe is easy to make in about 30 minutes and perfectly fluffy with a lightly-sweet coconut flavor.

One of those recipes that every sweet-and-savory-loving cook should have tucked away in their back pocket — the most delicious coconut rice! ♡

Coconut rice has long been a staple in many tropical culinary traditions around the world, from Southeast Asia to India, South America, Central America, East Africa, the Caribbean and beyond. It features a lightly-sweet creamy coconut flavor that pairs brilliantly with all sorts of savory dishes. It’s naturally gluten-free and vegan. And it’s practically just as easy to make as a batch of plain rice and comes together quickly in about 30 minutes — win-win!

Here in our home, we love serving coconut rice with everything from savory stir-fries to curries, grilled proteins, roasted vegetables, stews, kabobs and more. Depending on the meal, I often love adding in a squeeze of lime juice or some chopped cilantro to brighten up the flavor too. And if you’re looking to add some extra texture, a sprinkling of toasted coconut flakes (or shredded coconut) is always a fabulous idea too.

Let’s make some coconut rice together!


Jan 4, 2023

Fresh Mint Tea (Hot or Iced)


Fresh mint tea is easy to make hot or iced and always tastes so refreshing. Feel free to add sweetener or citrus too if you’d like.

Fresh Mint Iced Tea

On those days when you’re craving a light and refreshing drink, try brewing some fresh mint tea! ♡

It’s just about the easiest thing ever. Simply steep some fresh mint leaves in hot water for about 5 minutes, strain them out, stir in any extra sweetener if you’d like, and serve hot or over ice. On chilly days, I adore brewing up a warm mug to cozy up with in the evenings. But when I’m craving a chilled drink, I love adding in a few generous squeezes of lime to make a fun mojito-ish iced mint tea. It’s such a lovely drink, and the flavor is notably fresher than dried mint tea bags!

Fresh mint is, of course, rich in nutrients and commonly used to help sooth an upset stomach or indigestion. It may also help with inflammation, allergies, and the common cold.¹ Mainly, though, I love it because it’s healthy, calming, caffeine-free and delightful in tea. So the next time you find yourself with a few extra sprigs on hand, heat up some water and let’s brew a quick batch of mint tea together.

Fresh Mint Tea Ingredients (more…)

Jan 2, 2023

Tuna Avocado Brown Rice Bowls


This simple tuna salad is tossed with avocado, cucumber, feta, red onions, herbs and a zippy lemon-sumac dressing and served over brown rice. Easy to make in about 30 minutes and always SO delicious.

Tuna Avocado Brown Rice Bowls

Seriously my dream lunch (or dinner!) salad, right here. ♡

This Mediterranean-inspired tuna salad comes together super-easily in the time it takes to cook a batch of brown rice, and always somehow tastes like so much more than the sum of its parts. It’s made with a simple mix of canned tuna, creamy avocado, crunchy cucumber, crisp red onions, a sprinkling of feta and herbs (I’m partial to fresh dill here, but you’ve got options). Then everything is tossed in a zippy lemon-sumac-cumin dressing and served over brown rice. And whether you then serve the salad up warm — or pack it away in the fridge for lunch the next day — every bite promises to be so flavorful and satisfying.

I love this recipe because it’s one of those salads that’s hearty without feeling too heavy. It’s naturally gluten-free and can also be dairy-free, if you nix the cheese. It’s easy to meal prep in advance. And of course, it’s also endlessly customizable in whatever ways you need. Feel free, for example, to swap in another fish or protein if tuna isn’t your thing (although I have to say it is delicious here). And while we love serving this salad over chewy brown rice here in our home, you could easily swap in another type of rice, quinoa, farro, orzo, or any other base that may sound good.

Let’s make some tuna avocado salad bowls!

Tuna Salad Ingredients (more…)