Feb 23, 2023

Thai Chicken Noodle Soup


When 5:00 hits and we find ourselves in need of a fast and flavorful dinner stat, this Thai-inspired noodle soup recipe is one of our family’s favorite fallbacks. ♡

I make it a point to always keep rice noodles, Thai curry paste, and coconut milk stocked in our pantry specifically so that we always have the base ingredients on hand to make this soup. Then we just add in whatever protein (chicken, beef, pork, shrimp, tofu, or chickpeas), veggies (perfect occasion to use up leftovers in the fridge) and greens we happen to have on hand. We simmer everything together in a rich and flavorful broth, thanks to the wonder ingredient dream team that is coconut milk and Thai curry paste (bonus if you have some garlic and ginger to add in). And finally, serve steaming bowls of noodle soup piled high with whatever fresh herbs, limes, and whatever toppings we happen to have on hand.

We’ve seriously made some version of this curry noodle soup recipe literally hundreds of times over the years. And it’s one of those fresh, flavorful, and feel-good dinners that never disappoints. (Bonus, the leftovers taste amazing too!) So if you need a guaranteed winner for dinner tonight, grab that Thai curry paste and let’s make a big pot of noodle soup together.

Thai Chicken Noodle Soup Ingredients

Here are a few brief notes about the ingredients you will need to make this Thai-inspired chicken soup recipe:

  • Noodles: We typically use thick or thin rice noodles when making this soup, which I recommend cooking separately so that they do not soak up too much of the broth.
  • Chicken: I recommend using boneless chicken breasts or thighs, which we will poach directly in the broth and then shred into bite-sized pieces. Or if you happen to have leftover cooked chicken on hand, you can just add it directly to the soup.
  • Veggies: I used a simple mix of sliced carrots, bell pepper, and mushrooms for this batch. But feel free to toss in any other soup-friendly veggies that you happen to have on hand.
  • Greens: I always love wilting some type of greens into the soup just before serving, such as fresh baby spinach, chopped kale or collard greens.
  • Aromatics: Onion, garlic, and fresh ginger will serve as the base aromatics for our broth.
  • Stock: Feel free to use either chicken or vegetable stock for the broth.
  • Thai curry paste: The starring ingredient of the soup! Thai curry paste adds so many delicious layers of flavor to this broth. Feel free to use either red, green or yellow Thai curry paste, and as always, add is gradually to taste. (If this is your first time working with Thai curry paste, please note that different brands can vary significantly in terms of spiciness. So if you are sensitive to heat, start with less curry paste and add more to taste.)
  • Coconut milk: I recommend full-fat coconut milk to make this soup nice and creamy.
  • Lime: And don’t skimp on the fresh lime juice! I always add a generous amount to the full batch of soup, and then serve extra lime wedges on the side for those who want to brighten up their soup with even more citrus.
  • Toppings: The more, the merrier when it comes to this soup. I highly recommend adding lots of fresh herbs, such as cilantro and/or Thai basil. Then sliced Thai bird chiles, thinly-sliced red or green onions, crushed peanut, or lime wedges are delicious options too.

Tips for Making This Soup

Full instructions for how to make Thai-inspired chicken noodle soup are included in the recipe below, but here are a few additional tips for making this soup:

  • Cook and store the noodles separately: I always prefer to cook and store the noodles separately so that they do not soak up all of the broth, which can tend to happen with leftover soup if the noodles sit in the broth.
  • Add Thai curry paste to taste: Different types and brands of Thai curry can vary significantly in terms of their seasonings, intensity of flavor, and heat levels. So I recommend always starting with a little less curry paste than the recipe recommends, especially if you are sensitive to heat, and then you can always add more to taste.
  • Don’t worry if the broth separates: If you end up having leftovers that you store in the fridge, just a heads up that it’s completely natural for the broth to separate a bit as it sits. Just give it a good stir once you warm it back up and it will be delicious.

Recipe Variations

Here are a few additional variations that you are welcome to try with this Thai-inspired chicken noodle soup recipe:

  • Use a different protein: Beef, pork, turkey, meatballs, shrimp or tofu would all be great alternatives to chicken in this recipe.
  • Use different veggies: Add in any other soup-friendly veggies you love best, such as asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant, green beans, leeks, peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes or zucchini.
  • Use a different Thai curry paste: Swap in green or yellow Thai curry paste in place of the red Thai curry paste, adding whatever amount you prefer to taste.
  • Use different noodles: Use whatever other type of noodles you prefer, such as ramen, soba noodles, udon, sweet potato noodles, wheat noodles, or semolina pasta.
  • Use rice: Prepare 1 cup of uncooked white rice to use in place of the white noodles, which will yield about 3 cups cooked rice.
  • Make it vegetarian/vegan: Use tofu, chickpeas, or your favorite plant-based protein in place of the chicken. And use vegetable broth in place of chicken stock.
  • Make it gluten-free: This recipe is already naturally gluten-free if made with GF rice noodles.

More Chicken Soup Recipes

Looking for more easy chicken soup recipes to try? Here are a few of our family’s favorites:


Thai Chicken Noodle Soup

  • Author: Ali


  • 7 ounces thin rice noodles
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 medium white onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 large carrot, thinly sliced into half moons
  • 1 large red bell pepper, thinly sliced into bite-sized pieces
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger
  • 5 to 6 cups chicken stock
  • 12 ounces boneless skinless chicken breasts or thighs
  • 8 ounces baby bella mushrooms, thinly sliced
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons Thai red curry paste
  • 1 (15-ounce) can coconut milk
  • 2 large handfuls fresh baby spinach
  • 2 tablespoons freshly-squeezed lime juice
  • fine sea salt and freshly-ground black pepper
  • toppings: fresh cilantro, fresh Thai basil, sliced Thai bird chiles, thinly-sliced red or green onions, lime wedges


  1. Soak the noodles. Soak the noodles in water as directed according to package instructions.
  2. Sauté the veggies. Heat the oil in a large stockpot over medium-high heat. Add the onion, carrot and bell pepper. Sauté for 5 to 7 minutes, stirring occasionally, until mostly softened. Add the garlic and ginger and sauté for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. Simmer. Add chicken stock, chicken, mushrooms, Thai curry paste (I recommend beginning with 2 tablespoons) and stir to combine. Continue cooking until the soup reaches a simmer. Reduce heat to medium-low to maintain the simmer, cover and cook for 10-15 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through.
  4. Shred the chicken. Use tongs to transfer the chicken breasts or thighs to a clean plate, then use two forks to shred into bite-sized pieces. Return the chicken to the pot.
  5. Add remaining ingredients and season. Add the noodles, coconut milk, baby spinach, lime juice. Stir to combine until the spinach has wilted. Taste and season the soup with salt, pepper and/or extra Thai curry paste as desired.
  6. Serve. Serve the soup warm, garnished with lots and lots of your favorite toppings.

Feb 20, 2023

Greek Meatballs


This Greek meatballs recipe is easy to make, perfectly moist and tender, and bursting with fresh and zesty flavors. Serve these meatballs on their own or in a green salad, pita, rice bowl…you name it.

One of my favorite versatile meal prep recipes — Greek meatballs! ♡

Inspired by Greek keftedes, these simple meatball recipe can be made with your choice of beef or lamb or plant-based “meat.” It’s loaded up with lots of fresh herbs (mint, cilantro and/or parsley), seasonings (cumin and oregano), garlic, scallions, a touch of heat, and fresh lemon zest. Then a simple panade ensures that these meatballs don’t dry out and bake up to be perfectly juicy and tender. You’re going to love them!

I’ve especially come to love this Greek meatball recipe because of its versatility, since they can be served in so many fun ways. These meatballs are, of course, delicious just served on their own as an appetizer or part of a mezze platter. Or you can add them to a fresh green salad (or Greek salad), pita, wrap, grain bowl, casserole, lemony orzo, hummus, or even a simple soup. Lately, I’ve loved serving these Greek meatballs served over rice with a few chopped veggies and a simple 4-ingredient lemony tahini yogurt sauce, which always tastes so incredibly fresh and flavorful. This meatball recipe also freezes beautifully, so it’s awesome if you’re looking to do some meal prep for the months ahead too.

Let’s make some Greek meatballs! (more…)

Feb 17, 2023

Old Fashioned


This classic old fashioned recipe is easy to make with bourbon, bitters, orange peel and your choice of sweetener.

Old Fashioned Cocktail

Let’s hear it for the most classic of classic cocktails — the old fashioned. ♡

This simple whiskey cocktail will forever and always be a favorite. Made simply with your choice of whiskey, bitters, sweetener, and an orange peel, this drink is easy to craft in just a few minutes. And it’s one of those satisfying, swanky cocktails that never goes out of style.

I’m partial to adding an orange twist, a chunky ice cube, and a Luxardo cherry to my old fashioned cocktails. But you’re welcome, of course, to garnish and serve yours however you please. I’ve included various options below for various types of whiskey and sweeteners that you can use. But I have to say that the classic bourbon and sugar cube combo will never let you down.

So grab a glass and let’s craft a delicious old fashioned together.


Feb 11, 2023

Mini Oreo Cheesecakes


These mini Oreo cheesecakes are made with a delicious mix of cookies and cream, featuring a whole Oreo as the “crust.”

I’ve been making these mini Oreo cheesecakes for over a decade now whenever I need a quick and easy treat for a gathering. And I’m telling you — especially when it comes to cheesecake recipes — it doesn’t get much easier, cuter and tastier than this!

My favorite thing about this mini cheesecake recipe is that there’s no need to spend extra time crumbling, mixing, and pressing down a fancy crust. Simply pop an Oreo in the bottom of each baking cup and you’re good to go! The vanilla cheesecake batter here is also quick and easy to mix with 5 basic ingredients. Then simply bake for about 15 minutes, chill, top with whipped cream and an extra Oreo for garnish, and enjoy, enjoy.

These mini Oreo cheesecakes are the perfect make-ahead dessert for dinner parties, game days, or anytime you’re craving a sweet treat. And while I love making this recipe with classic Oreos, feel free to experiment with whatever Oreo flavors you love best.

Let’s make some Oreo cheesecakes!


Feb 9, 2023

Golden Milk (Hot or Iced)


This simple golden milk latte recipe is made with cozy warming spices, your choice of milk, and can be served either hot or iced.

Whether you’re craving a cozy mug of warm golden milk on a chilly day, or looking to cool off with a refreshing glass of iced golden milk, my favorite golden milk recipe always hits the spot. ♡

It’s quick and easy to make with a simple blend of warming spices that you likely already have in your pantry, including nutrient-dense turmeric, which gives the drink is famously bright and beautiful golden color. And when making homemade golden milk, you of course have the option to completely customize the spice blend, type of milk, and amount of sweetener to your liking. If you enjoy golden milk on the regular like we do in our home, I’ve also included instructions below for how to pre-mix a large batch of golden milk powder (basically all of the spices, salt and pepper) ahead of time, so that you can just add a quick spoonful to steamed milk whenever the craving hits. And while we normally only keep ground turmeric stocked in our kitchen, I’ve included an option as well for how to make golden milk with fresh turmeric if you happen to have some on hand.

I’ve been in the habit of making myself a warm mug of golden milk each evening after dinner this winter, and have to say that I find myself looking forward to that soothing, delicious blend of warming spices so much. It’s just such a delicious drink, in addition to its impressive list of healing benefits (see below), and never fails to deliver on those cozy hygge vibes.

So whether you’re craving hot golden milk or a chilled glass of iced golden milk, bookmark this recipe below and give it a try!


Feb 6, 2023

Citrus Olive Oil Cake


This citrus olive oil cake recipe is easy to make in one bowl, naturally gluten-free, and made with the loveliest hints of fresh orange and lemon.

A few months ago when we were spending the weekend with friends on the Costa Brava, I sampled an orange olive oil cornmeal cake at the local farmers market that was love at first bite. ♡

To be honest, I’d never had a cake quite like this one before. The local baker explained that it was a gluten-free cake made with cornmeal and almond flour, which accounted for its beautiful golden color and light almond flavor and surprisingly hearty texture (kind of similar to a light cornbread). It was incredibly moist and very lightly sweetened. And best of all, it was brightened up with a generous amount of fresh citrus, which made it taste so light and refreshing and sunshine-y. I honestly couldn’t stop thinking about this cake for weeks afterwards and wished I’d had the chance to ask the baker more about the recipe. But after a bit of experimenting, I’m happy to say that I’ve come up with my own version that our entire family now adores.

I’m happy to report that this recipe is incredibly easy to make with just 1 bowl and about 15 minutes of prep time. And while I love using both a fresh lemon and orange in the cake (both zested and juiced), you’re welcome to swap in a grapefruit, mandarin, Meyer lemon, or whatever other citrus you might prefer. Please note that this cake is intentionally designed to be sweet-but-not-too-sweet, making it perfect for dessert, snacking, or even a lovely breakfast to go with your coffee. But if you feel like adding an extra hint of sweetness, a side of fresh fruit (or fruit compote), a dollop of whipped cream, a scoop of ice cream, or light glaze drizzled on top would all be absolutely delicious here too.

This cake is definitely one of those surprising recipes that has a way of growing and growing on you. So I hope you all love it as much as I do!
