Jun 6, 2024



This classic Italian-inspired affogato recipe is easy to make in just a few minutes with ice cream, espresso and your choice of toppings.

Quite possibly one of the easiest and best desserts out there — affogato! ♡

This Italian classic has long been one of my go-tos for easy entertaining, especially on warm summer nights when you’re craving a cold sweet treat! Simply add a scoop of your favorite ice cream or gelato to a small bowl or glass, top it with hot espresso, add a shot of liqueur or a sprinkle of toppings if you’d like (both optional), and this delightful and sophisticated dessert will be ready in no time.

If you’re like me and are sensitive to caffeine late in the day, no prob, just use your favorite decaf espresso or strongly-brewed coffee! And while vanilla ice cream is the traditional option here, the sky’s the limit when it comes to the fun flavors of ice creams and toppings that you can pair together here, so don’t hesitate to raid the freezer and use whatever pint sounds good. This fun dessert is always a winner!



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